Prêmio IAVE de Voluntariado Empresarial

Este ano, pela primeira vez, o IAVE reconhecerá formalmente a excelência de programas de voluntariado empresariais de empresas globais.

Se este é o caso da sua empresa, participe!

Os vencedores serão anunciados no dia 12 de setembro na Conferência Mundial de Voluntariado do IAVE em Londres.

To learn more and make a nomination:

Who will win? Come to the
IAVE World Volunteer Conference to find out!

Early registration ends October 15 –

This year, for the first time, IAVE will be formally recognizing excellence in corporate volunteering through the only awards for global companies that are volunteering globally.

Two awards will be given:

The Global Volunteer Program Award will recognize a global company that shows an exemplary overall approach to global corporate volunteering – with a well-thought-out strategy that fits well with their values, priorities and culture; an understanding and appreciation of global issues and local realities; and, activities that address serious problems in a serious way.

The Inspiring Practice Award will recognize a global company that has created a high impact volunteer initiative designed to meet a specific community or societal need. This award is about tangible outcomes that resulted from a specific volunteer-based strategy to meet a particular need.

Winners will be announced at the closing dinner of the World Volunteer Conference, Wednesday December 12 in London.

To begin the nomination process:



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